"FOIVOS” Winery
Foivos S.A. is the historical continuation of the Mantzavino Winery that has starred in the past two centuries in the world of wine, and has made Greek wine known internationally. The oldest or one of the oldest wineries in operation in Greece, has already given since the last century some of the best Greek wines that have been known all over the world. Since 1999, started a new dynamic effort, making use of the ideal microclimate of Kefalonia and having as aims the rescue and development of the indigenous -from the Homeric times- and autochthonous Kefalonian grape varieties. At the same time, the old winery acquired modern equipment, combining the traditional winemaking methods, with new ideas and aesthetics, under the absolute protocol and moral principle of natural wines: Nothing is added, nothing is taken!
Greek Indigenous Grape Varieties from Kefalonia
Wines of Passion and Culture
Foivos Winery was awarded in Berlin (Berliner Wein Trophy 2012) as the Best Wine Producer in Greece, and in 2015 was included in the top three wineries in Greece (by Berliner Wein Trophy 2015).Visit Us
Foivos Winery is located at Vouni of Lixouri (west of the village Mantzavinata, going to the village Chavriata); almost at the entrance of the village Vouni and opposite the church of Agios Dimitrios.
The privately-owned vineyards of the Estate are extending in a distance of 1km SW from the Winery, in Vatsa Katogi, 800 meters from the sea, and the beaches of Vrachinari & Ag. Nicholas.
In the winery operates Wine Sales and Wine Tasting area.
The wine tasting at the winery is possible only by appointment by contacting the email: info@domainefoivos.com.
Foivos Winery, Vouni Lixouri, PC 28200, Kefalonia, Greece www.domainefoivos.com,